As motorbikes get more reliable and electronics become more prevalent, the need to fix your own bike by the roadside gets smaller each year. The other thing is the small space available to you… most bikes have a compact space under the seat.
So, selecting the tools for your toolkit means picking the tools that you're most likely to need.
These are some recommended essentials:
1. Pliers
A pair of pliers can be an invaluable resource and if you’ve got space it’s definitely worth including some. The choice of needle-nose or standard is down to you – each has potential advantages. Motion Pro makes good pliers that are also meant to remove clip type master links.
2. Puncture repair kit
Whether you go for a full-on puncture repair kit – as favoured by the more advanced roadside bodger – or for the quick-and-messy alternative of a can of puncture sealant is a subject of endless discussion. Good ones are from Safety Seal or MotoZone.
3. Knife
A sharp penknife is endlessly useful so it makes sense to have one under the seat. Why not get a Leatherman or similar multi-tool Swiss Army Knife clone and save some space?
4. Screwdrivers
You may have them in the common tool box or multi-tool above, but there's nothing like a sturdy screwdriver to get at the most common screws on your bike.
5. Allen keys
Most modern bikes have Allen key fittings, and they're quite small anyway so it shouldn't be too much of a bother to pack two or three of the most likely sizes you'll need.
6. Adjustable wrench
The Park Tool PAW12 is a solid choice for an adjustable wrench handy for motorbikes, especially since you won't have space for a set of wrenches. Goodyear also makes solid 12-inch adjustables.
With these small things tucked into your bike toolkit, hopefully you'll have just enough to do the most basic of repairs at your next roadside stop.